November 9, 2023
Tonight is HAWAIIAN night at the girls basketball game. Dress up and show up to support our teams as they take on Millstadt starting at 6pm.
There will be a lockdown drill t...

November 8, 2023
The next meeting of the science club from 3:00 - 4:00 is November 14th. You must be registered and have paid to attend the meeting!
Bingo Night will be December 1st. 2nd Qt...

November 7, 2023
The next meeting of the science club from 3:00 - 4:00 is November 14th. You must be registered and have paid to attend the meeting!
Bingo Night will be December 1st. 2nd Qt...

November 6, 2023
The next meeting of the science club from 3:00 - 4:00 is November 14th. You must be registered and have paid to attend the meeting!
Bingo Night will be December 1st. 2nd Qt...

November 3, 2023
If it's raining or if the temperature is in the 20’s, 6th grade students should use the main entrance to wait for the first bell.
Any student who has NOT turned in their cr...

November 2, 2023
Thanks for your generous donations on Hat Day, we collected over $1,400.
If it's raining or if the temperature is in the 20’s, 6th grade students should use the main entra...

November 1, 2023
Picture Retake Day is today.
If it's raining or if the temperature is in the 20’s, 6th grade students should use the main entrance to wait for the first bell.
Any stud...

October 31, 2023
November 1st is Picture Retake Day.
Any student who has NOT turned in their cross-country uniform should turn them in to the office by the end of the week.
No Gamers Cl...

October 30, 2023
November 1st is Picture Retake Day.
Bingo Night will be December 1st. 2nd Qtr Behavior Incentive - We will be using the 3 strike policy as we did for the dance.

October 25, 2023
Wear neon to the first girls basketball game on Friday at 5:00.
Dance tickets will be sold before school at the main entrance and at...

October 24, 2023
Dance tickets will be sold before school at the main entrance and at the door for $5.
As the Halloween Dance approaches, we wanted to make everyone aware of a few costume re...

October 23, 2023
Dance tickets will be sold next week before school at the main entrance for $5.
As the Halloween Dance approaches, we wanted to make everyone aware of a few costume restrict...

October 20, 2023
Mrs. Brewer’s Intervention Classes should go to Mrs. Moore’s classroom.
If you missed ordering bulldog apparel, the online store will be open until Sunday.
Dance tic...

October 19, 2023
If you missed ordering bulldog apparel, the online store will be open until Sunday.
Dance tickets will be sold next week before school at the main entrance for $5.

October 18, 2023
If you missed ordering bulldog apparel, the online store will be open until Sunday.
Dance tickets will be sold next week before school at the main entrance for $5.

October 17, 2023
No Band Lessons 5th hour Today!
If you missed ordering bulldog apparel, the online store will be open until Sunday.
As the Halloween Dance approaches, we wanted to m...

October 16, 2023
No Band Lessons Today!
As the Halloween Dance approaches, we wanted to make everyone aware of a few costume restrictions. Inflatable costumes, masks, and weapons of any kind...

October 13, 2023
T he next Original Gamers Club will be Thursday, October 19.
All student council shirt orders are due today. There will also be a service committee meeting on Monday in the...

October 12, 2023
There will NOT be Gamers club this week. The next Original Gamers Club will be Thursday, October 19.
All student council shirt orders are due no later than Friday. There w...

October 11, 2023
If you would like to be a part of the WJHS Yearbook Staff, please see your literature teacher or Mrs. Walthes for an application form. Interested students should turn in their fo...