

Wear neon to the first girls basketball game on Friday at 5:00.  

Dance tickets will be sold before school at the main entrance and at the door for $5.

Tonight is the dance! Students will not be allowed in until 6pm and will enter through the main entrance. To avoid waiting in line, bring your ticket with you. Those purchasing tickets at the door or needing to verify ticket purchase will have to wait in line to enter. Bring extra money if you'd like to purchase pizza, pop, or candy. Food and drink will have to remain in the cafeteria. Table games and a photo booth will also be in the cafeteria.

As the Halloween Dance approaches, we wanted to make everyone aware of a few costume restrictions. Inflatable costumes, masks, and weapons of any kind are NOT allowed.

Book Fair will be open Monday through Wednesday during the day and for a little bit after school. We will be open during Parent/Teacher conferences and the following Monday and Tuesday during the school day.

All Library Decorate Your Pumpkin Contest entries are due in the library by the end of the day Wednesday.

The Student Council Social Committee needs to meet in the gym during study hall on Wednesday to decorate for the dance.

There will be no Gamers Club this week.

If you are interested in reading the next Stories and Slices books, please see Mr. Mayer to get a copy of A Game of Fox and Squirrels or Turtle Boy. You can pick up a copy while they last in the library.

The Door Decorating Contest will be judged during the morning on Wednesday. Please have all doors completed by the end of the day Tuesday!