WJHS Announcements

If you would like to be a part of the WJHS Yearbook Staff, please see your literature teacher or Mrs. Walthes for an application form. Interested students should turn in their forms by Friday, October 13th.

Focus Point is a youth group open to all students. They will start meeting on Mondays after school, starting Oct. 23rd. If you are interested in learning more about this organization and how to sign up, pick up a flier in the main office this week.

The Bulldog Trait of the Month for October is OPTIMISTIC. An optimistic person is someone who is hopeful for the future and chooses to focus on finding positive outcomes in any situation. Staff members will be looking for students who display this characteristic this month.

7th and 8th grade boys basketball tryouts in the South gym 

  • Wed 10/11 4:30-6:00  Tryouts

6th grade boys basketball tryouts at Gardner

  • Wed. 10/11 3:10-4:45pm

*You must have a current physical on file to participate.