
No Band Lessons Today!

As the Halloween Dance approaches, we wanted to make everyone aware of a few costume restrictions. Inflatable costumes, masks, and weapons of any kind are NOT allowed.

Congratulations to the Girls and Boys Cross Country teams. The girls are the Southern Illinois State Champions and the Boys were 2nd place on Saturday in DuQuoin. Lydia Huffman was the girls State Champion, winning by 17 seconds and Liam Gilbert was 3rd in the boys race.

All members of the student council service committee need to meet in the cafeteria at the beginning of study hall.

Original Gamers will meet after school in the library on Thursday. Please have rides here at 3:45.

Fellowship of Christian Athletes will meet Tuesday, Oct. 24 from 6:00 to 7:30 in the cafeteria. All students are welcome!

Attention 6th Grade Boys who are not playing on our school basketball team who are interested in playing in another local basketball league.  Please stop by the office today and pick up a flyer that provides you with more information.