Daily Announcements

There will NOT be Gamers club this week. The next Original Gamers Club will be Thursday, October 19.

All student council shirt orders are due no later than Friday. There will also be a service committee meeting on Monday in the cafeteria.

Tomorrow is the last day to turn in applications to join the yearbook staff. ALL students interested need to make sure forms are turned in to Mrs. Walthes by Friday. 

  • If you were a member of the staff last year and plan to participate this year, please make sure you have filled out an application, so Mrs. Walthes know you plan to return.
  • See your literature teacher, the office, or Mrs. Walthes for an application.

Fellowship of Christian Athletes will meet Tuesday, Oct. 24 from 6:00 to 7:30 in the cafeteria. All students are welcome!

Attention 6th Grade Boys who are not playing on our school basketball team that are interested in playing in another local basketball league.  Please stop by the office today and pick up a flyer that provides you with more information.