October 27, 2021
As it is starting to get cooler, please make sure to bring appropriate outerwear to school. We will continue to go outside for recess and PE, so dress accordingly!

October 26, 2021
Parent-Teacher conferences will be held Thursday 12-8pm and Friday 8am-12pm. Students will not be in attendance either of these days. Conferences will be held via zoom, unless o...

October 25, 2021
Are you collecting Box Tops? Do you have friends/family that could collect for you too!? If so, refer them and you both will receive 50 bonus box tops if a receipt is scanned by...

October 25, 2021
As it is starting to get cooler, please make sure to bring appropriate outerwear to school. We will continue to go outside for recess and PE, so dress accordingly!

October 20, 2021
Do you like trivia? Scholar Bowl might be for you! Scholar Bowl tryouts are after school Wednesday, Oct 27th in the art room. If you have any questions please ask Mrs. Rau or M...

October 19, 2021
6th Grade Boys Basketball Tryouts will be on Monday, Oct. 18 - Wednesday Oct. 20 after school at Gardner Elementary from 3:00 - 5:00.
Library Council members need t...

October 7, 2021
There will be an Original Gamers club meeting next week Thursday, October 14 after school.
7th/8th Girls Basketball Practice for the first two weeks will be Oct ...

October 6, 2021
6th Girls Basketball Tryouts are today 3-5 at Rogers.
7th and 8th grade girls basketball will have tryouts on Oct 4 3-5pm in the South Gym. and Oct. 5 at Gardner 3:15-...

October 5, 2021
There will be no Original Gamers club meeting this week or next week. The next meeting will be Thursday, October 14 after school."
Yearbook meeting after school today i...

September 30, 2021
There will be no Original Gamers club meeting this week or next week. The next meeting will be Thursday, October 14 after school."
If you are interested in reading Rebe...

September 29, 2021
There will be no Original Gamers club meeting this week or next week. The next meeting will be Thursday, October 14 after school."
If you are interested in reading Rebe...

September 28, 2021
There will be no Original Gamers club meeting this week or next week. The next meeting will be Thursday, October 14 after school."
If you are planning on attending the ...

September 24, 2021
Congratulations to our baseball and softball teams for winning regionals yesterday.
"If you have read the book, "Nine, Ten: a September 11 Story" and are interested in ...

September 21, 2021
Breakfast is not a social time. Students must eat breakfast and immediately go to 1st hour. This is not a time to hang with friends.
Reminder: PE students should br...

September 16, 2021
Students with no office referrals for 1st quarter will earn an extra recess and popsicle party the week of October 12th!
Chorus will have Study Hall today. Bring something...

September 15, 2021
Students with no office referrals for 1st quarter will earn an extra recess and popsicle party the week of October 12th!
First meeting of the OG’s (Original Gamers) wil...

September 14, 2021
First meeting of the OG’s (Original Gamers) will meet after school on Thursday until 4. Meet in the cafeteria to hang with friends and play board games, card games or chess. If...

September 13, 2021
Congratulations to Mrs. K. Miller’s, Mrs. Sykora’s, and Mrs. Degener’s study halls for winning our first box top pizza party! They collected the most box tops so far!
Tonight ...

September 13, 2021
First meeting of the OG’s (Original Gamers) will meet after school on Thursday until 4. Meet in the cafeteria to hang with friends and play board games, card games or chess. If...

August 11, 2021
Good afternoon parents. It’s nearly impossible to believe that the 2021-22 school year begins tomorrow. Ready or not...here it is! We are looking forward to a wonderful year ...