Daily Announcements

Do you like trivia? Scholar Bowl might be for you! Scholar Bowl tryouts are after school Wednesday, Oct 27th in the art room.  If you have any questions please ask Mrs. Rau or Mr. Toennies for more information


6th Grade Boys Basketball Tryouts will be on Monday, Oct. 18 - Wednesday Oct. 20 after school at Gardner Elementary from 3:00 - 5:00. 


"Library Council members need to meet in the library at the beginning of study hall on Thursday."


"If you have read Orange for the Sunsets and would like to attend Stories and Slices this Friday during study hall, please sign up in the library Google Classroom! If you have questions, please see or email Mr. Mayer."


"Make plans to attend this year's Ice Cream Social. It will be held after school on Monday on the front lawn. For just $1, you can get a bowl of ice cream and toppings and get a chance to hang out with friends. The Ice Cream Social ends at 3:30."

8th Grade Girls Basketball practice will be at Rogers 3:15 - 5 Wednesday (10/20) & Thursday (10/21).  6th & 7th Grade Girls Basketball will practice together at the JH on Wednesday and Thursday (3-5)


The Original Gamers will host a gaming club after school on Thursday until 3:45. Come hang out and play board games with us!