Daily Announcements

There will be no Original Gamers club meeting this week or next week. The next meeting will be Thursday, October 14 after school."


If you are interested in reading Rebecca Caudill nominee, Orange for the Sunsets and zooming with author Tina Athaide, please fill out the google form in the library Google Classroom. If you need to be added to the Google Classroom, please contact Mr. Mayer."


7th and 8th grade girls basketball will have tryouts on Oct 4 and 5  3-5pm in the South Gym. 7th/8th Practices in the first two weeks will be Oct 6-8, and 11-15  3-5pm in South Gym. 

6th grade girls tryouts will be Oct 5 and 6  3:15-5 at Rogers Elementary. Practice times will be determined later. 

Be sure to have a physical on file before tryouts.

To get on Remind:  text @2021wjh to 81010 


Boys Basketball will have an open gym on Monday Oct. 11 (Columbus Day) 5:30-7:30.

Boys Basketball Tryouts will be Tue. Oct. 12 (5:30-7:30) and Thurs. Oct. 14 (3:00-5:00 @ Gardner).


Students with no office referrals for 1st quarter will earn an extra recess and popsicle party the week of October 12th!