We are encouraging students to support our local teams the rest of this week: Wednesday- Wear Blues gear- First game is tomorrow! 🏒 Thursday- Wear Cardinals gear- Playoffs begin on Thursday!⚾️ Friday- Wear Bulldog Gear- We always wear orange and black on Friday!🐾 LET’S GO!!!!!!!
over 5 years ago, Waterloo Junior High School
Congrats to both our softball and baseball teams and coaches for winning the regional championship! They will be playing in the SIJHSAA state tournament beginning a week from Saturday.
over 5 years ago, Waterloo Junior High School
Last call to be guaranteed a shirt for the Bulldog Color Run on Saturday! Please turn in registration forms tomorrow morning to any school office! http://bit.ly/2md2PSZ
over 5 years ago, Waterloo CUSD #5
Congratulations Reese Kite, who finished up regulation play tied for 1st at the IESA State Golf Tournament with a 73. The tournament was decided in playoff holes with Reese ultimately finishing 2nd! https://www.iesa.org/activities/go/results_State.asp?Gender=Girls&year=2019
over 5 years ago, Waterloo Junior High School
WJHS Students & Staff - please wear red, white, and blue tomorrow, 9/11, in observance of Patriot Day.
over 5 years ago, Waterloo Junior High School
WJHS Picture Day is tomorrow, September 5th! Forms can be turned in directly to the photographer, or you can order online at: mylifetouch.com with the code EVTDVMSHV.
over 5 years ago, Waterloo Junior High School
WJHS - All fundraising orders are due tomorrow, August 30th. It is also an early dismissal day. Town students will be dismissed at 11:20am. There is no school on Monday, September 2nd. Have a great holiday weekend!
over 5 years ago, Waterloo Junior High School
The 4th annual Bulldog Color Run is scheduled for September 28th at 5:30pm. We'd love to see you all there! Click here to register: https://5il.co/9lsc
over 5 years ago, Waterloo Junior High School
WJHS cross country tryouts are Thursday, August 15th after school until 4:45pm. Please bring comfortable clothes and tennis shoes. Students will meet and finish in the main gym.
over 5 years ago, Waterloo Junior High School
Don’t throw away those back to school shopping receipts without downloading the Box Top app and scanning them first! New box tops are all digital!
over 5 years ago, Waterloo Junior High School
Digital Box Tops
If you are interested in purchasing school supplies from School Tool Box, now is your last chance! Orders take 10 days to leave the warehouse before shipping. Visit this link to order: https://www.schooltoolbox.com/stbDirect/index.php?r=site/index#load_school&id=107110
over 5 years ago, Waterloo Junior High School
Student schedules are now posted on Skyward for the 2019-2020 school year. Please ensure that all classes are scheduled. Email Dr. Schwartz (nschwartz@wcusd5.net) or Mrs. Cruser (acruser@wcusd5.net) if you notice any issues. Enjoy the rest of summer and we'll see you soon!
over 5 years ago, Waterloo Junior High School