WJHS families - This is a friendly reminder that tomorrow, 2/26, is a "B" day for in-person attendance.
almost 4 years ago, Waterloo Junior High School
WJHS families - This is a friendly reminder that tomorrow, 2/19, is an "A" day for in-person attendance.
almost 4 years ago, Waterloo Junior High School
WJHS students & families - We look forward to seeing students back in attendance tomorrow! Please remember to charge your Chromebooks tonight and certify your child’s health using the Miine Health app in the morning. B Day students are in attendance Thursday with A Day students on Friday.
almost 4 years ago, Amber Cruser
Thank you to everyone who participated in our Virtual Trivia Night last Thursday. We had over 130 students and staff join us, and we handed out 35 attendance prizes! Prizes will be distributed when we return to in-person learning. The top 20 overall scores are attached. I hope you all had fun!
almost 4 years ago, Amber Cruser
WJHS Virtual Game Night starts at 6pm. Students, join us for some fun! I have 35 attendance prizes to hand out! 1) Go to: www.crowd.live/wjhsgamenight 2) Enter your first name, last name, and school email address 3) Click the sound icon near my video to hear me (do this each round) 4) Answer the questions as we go and have fun! - Mrs. Cruser
almost 4 years ago, Waterloo Junior High School
WJHS families - This is a friendly reminder that tomorrow, 2/12, is a "B" day for in-person attendance. Even though this is a half day on the district calendar, students will still be in attendance until 12pm. There will not be extended day for those that normally attend. There is no school on Monday, 2/15 in observance of Presidents' Day.
almost 4 years ago, Waterloo Junior High School
Mr. Dahm has been named the Staff Member of the Month for February. Thank you, Mr. Dahm, for making math understandable, even for our remote learners, and always being willing to help students. If you'd like to nominate a staff member of the month for March, complete this short Google Form! https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfnvg25AaAY6E7cE89fxfUot_bS0Z0Pe_pL9jtvkTyJJ9OvFg/viewform
almost 4 years ago, Waterloo Junior High School
Staff Member of the Month
Students, Join us Thursday at 6pm for a virtual game night! We'll have 8 rounds, attendance prizes between each round, and prizes for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place. Simply join the following link on a smart phone, Chromebook, computer, or tablet. crowd.live/wjhsgamenight Questions? Email me! Mrs. Cruser acruser@wcusd5.net
almost 4 years ago, Amber Cruser
Virtual Game Night
Griffin Stork & Evie Reifschneider received the Optimist Youth Appreciation Award last week. Join us in congratulating them!
almost 4 years ago, Waterloo Junior High School
Optimist Award
WJHS families - This is a friendly reminder that tomorrow is an "A" day for in-person attendance.
almost 4 years ago, Waterloo Junior High School
Congratulations to our Staff Members of the Month for January, Beth Gregson and Dawn Grohmann! Beth and Dawn keep the entire building running efficiently and are always our go-to when we need help! Thank you ladies for all you do for our students and staff on a daily basis.
almost 4 years ago, Waterloo Junior High School
WJHS families - Picture day is Tuesday and Wednesday of this week. In-person learners will have their picture taken during PE hours. Remote learners can come anytime between 12:30 and 3:30pm. Please enter in the main doors. Thank you!
almost 4 years ago, Waterloo Junior High School
WJHS families - This is a friendly reminder that tomorrow, 1/29, is a "B" day for in-person attendance.
almost 4 years ago, Waterloo Junior High School
Don't forget to wrap up Literacy Week tomorrow by snuggling up with a good book in your pajamas! Do you have book recommendations you'd like to share with other students or need a recommendation for a new book? If so, check your emails for a Flipgrid link from Mr. Mayer!
almost 4 years ago, Waterloo Junior High School
WJHS Families - All sports practices , tryouts, and open gyms are cancelled for today. We will still have extended day until 2:30 and those busses will run as normally scheduled. Thank you.
almost 4 years ago, Waterloo Junior High School
Remember to "Be Well Read" and wear red tomorrow! Today, reading rocked our socks!
almost 4 years ago, Waterloo Junior High School
crazy sock day
crazy sock day
crazy sock day
Tomorrow (Tuesday, January 26th) is crazy sock day! Reading Rocks My Socks! Thank you to everyone who wore a shirt with words on it today! Mine read, "If you can be anything, be kind." - Mrs. Cruser
almost 4 years ago, Amber Cruser
Read My Shirt!
WJHS Students & Staff - Join us in celebrating Literacy Week. Tomorrow is "Read My Shirt!" day. Wear a shirt with words on it! Follow the link below to see the schedule for the week. https://www.wcusd5.net/article/385270?org=waterloo-jr-high-school
almost 4 years ago, Waterloo Junior High School
JH Volleyball Tryouts will be Tuesday, Wednesday, & Thursday (Jan.26-Jan.28) at Gardner -6th grade: 3:30-5:00 -7th/8th grade: 5:00-6:30 If you signed up for the volleyball emails, please check your email. If you haven’t signed up or have any questions please contact kesker@wcusd5.net.
almost 4 years ago, Waterloo Junior High School
Today we recognized four more Students of Character for 2nd quarter. Congratulations to the following students! Clayton Keeney - 6th grade Nathan Grider - 7th grade Shea Brafford - 8th grade Dallas Stueve - 8th grade
almost 4 years ago, Amber Cruser