Happy Read Across America Week! Click the link below for Mrs. Gardner's Monday night Bedtime Story, Alfie by Tyra Heder.
Reminder to Certify your child for school today.
Zahnow Families: Tomorrow kicks off Read Across America week! Tomorrow, Monday, March 1st is "The Cat in the Hat"- Wear your favorite hat!
Reminder to certify your child for school today. Thank you!
Zahnow Families, Our Zahnow fax machine is not working. Please send doctor's notes, etc. to one of the following emails: mgardner@wcusd5.net (principal), csabo@wcusd5.net (nurse), swilliams@wcusd5.net (admin assistant), or mbandy@wcusd5.net (admin assistant.
Thank you.
Reminder to certify your child for school today. Thank you
Zahnow Families. Tonight, Wednesday, 24th is Papa John's Fund Raiser Night for Zahnow! Use code SSW001 and 25% of your purchase will go to our school to use for our students!
Remember to certify your child for school today. Thank you
Zahnow Families. Reminder to certify your child for school today.
Please read. This is an important safety reminder during Drop Off and Pick up times. It is against the law to pass any school bus that is actively in the process of dropping students off or picking students up at any time. If you are behind the buses in the front drive, please wait and be patient until the students have all been dropped off or picked up. If you arrive around the 8am time in the morning and see the buses in the lane, please feel free to use the one way street located to the west of the building. It is Depuyt Street. You may dropped off on the side walk and proceed on your way. Thank you for helping keep our students safe. If you have any questions please feel free to email me at mgardner@wcusd5 or give me a phone call at 939-3458.
Reminder to certify your child for school today. Thank you.
Reminder to certify your child for school. Thank you
Reminder to certify your child for school today. Thank you
Zahnow Families. We are excited to welcome students back to in person learning, at school tomorrow, and hope you stayed warm & safe during the snow days.
We realize that sending supplies home created some heavy backpacks and we appreciate your understanding to do this in case we were able to utilize a remote learning day.
On Thursday, please return all supplies that were sent home with your child last week and, if possible, charge the chromebooks so these are ready for student use at school.
Also, when driving tomorrow, please use caution in school zones & at drop off and pick up. We will be outside to assist as needed. Thank you ahead of time for your patience and understanding as we continue to navigate this school year!
Good morning Zahnow Families and happy Wednesday. Today, Wednesday, February 17, is another Snow Day. It is not a Remote Attendance Day. Your child is not required to do school activities on the Google Classroom. You might wonder, "Why is it not a Remote Day?" As explained in Superintendent Charron's email earlier this week, we will have a Remote E-Learning Attendance Day when all students in the district are able to participate & engage in their e-learning instruction. Unfortunately, this is not possible as there are still side & country roads that are not cleared. This makes it unsafe for some teachers, who require internet use for their instruction, unable to get to their buildings to do so. Even though your child's learning activities & instruction could be completed, others cannot. Since we are a unit district, all schools operate on the same calendar & schedule. I hope you & your child have found time during this extremely cold days to play some indoor board games, read together, practice sight words and vocabulary, or put together some puzzles. Also, as a reminder, all Zahnow students PreK-1 have access to Lexi Core 5 on their Chromebooks. We encourage 20-30 minutes a day. It's a fun way for your child to practice his/her reading skills! Stay warm & safe, and please reach out if you have any questions.
Zahnow Families. Reminder that there is no school tomorrow, Monday, February 15. It is Presidents' Day. We honor all our past U.S. Presidents and our present one, President Joseph Biden.
Zahnow Families. Remember to certify your child for school today.
Good afternoon. Teachers will be sending home a packet of materials in your child's book bag any time there is threat of snow or possible bad weather that could close school for a day or more. This will allow us to have a school attendance day, using our Remote Learning for instruction. On these days a message will be sent letting you know it is a "Remote Learning Day". This is a mandatory school attendance day. The device, if you requested one, and packet of materials, should come back to school each day in your child's backpack every regular school day, whether or not we had a day off that was remote. These materials are used at school also. If you have any questions about what is sent home please reach out to your child's classroom teacher. Thanks for all you do. We appreciate it.
Remember to certify your child for school today. Thank you
There is no school today, Wednesday, February 10.