Reminder to certify your child for school today. Thank you.
almost 4 years ago, Mary Gardner
Zahnow Families. Reminder to certify your child for school today. Due to the hard rain and stormy weather, please be patient with drop off and pick up today. It may take a little longer than usual. Let's keep everyone safe. Thank you.
almost 4 years ago, Mary Gardner
Zahnow Families. Reminder to certify your child for school today. Thank you.
almost 4 years ago, Mary Gardner
Correction/Note: The last message was regarding Screenings. We have started to receive phone calls and thought we might help answer some of your questions. Again "Screenings" was the tope of the Q and A. Thank you
almost 4 years ago, Mary Gardner
Q: When will PreK and Kindergarten take place for the 2021-2022 school year? A: The dates for these have not been finalized. Traditionally Kindergarten Screening is the last week of school. This year that would be May 18-21st. These are the same dates we are looking at for our PreK Screening this year. Q: When will these dates be finalized? A: Plans will be finalized and share by mid-April. The information will be on our website and in the local paper(s). Q: When will the school start making appointments for my child's screening? A: We will begin making appointments, by phone, the first week of May. Q: What will I need for screening my child? A: Proof of Waterloo Residency, Child's Birth Certificate, and general child/family information (address, phone number, etc.) Q: What is the cut off age for PreK and Kindergarten? A: PreK students have to be 3 years old by the first day of school. Incoming Kindergarten students have to be 5 years old by Sept. 1st.
almost 4 years ago, Mary Gardner
Reminder to certify your child for school today. Thank you.
almost 4 years ago, Mary Gardner
Reminder to certify you child for school today. Thank you.
almost 4 years ago, Mary Gardner
Zahnow Families. Below is the link to Bedtime Story #5 with Mrs. Gardner, "What Do You Do With An Idea?" Thank you for all your help with your child's projects and dress up days this week! And... remember... keep reading with your child. Just like anything we want to get better at, it takes practice! The more practice, the better we get at a skill or activity. Thanks again & have a wonderful weekend!
almost 4 years ago, Mary Gardner
Reminder to certify your child for school. Thank you
almost 4 years ago, Mary Gardner
Zahnow Families, Tomorrow, Friday, March 5th is "Dress Like a Dr. Seuss Character!"
almost 4 years ago, Mary Gardner
Zahnow Families. Here is Bedtime Story with Mrs. Gardner #4 for Thursday, "Seven Silly Eaters" by Maryann Hobermann. I hope you enjoy it. There are a lot of rhymes in this story. See if your child can pick some out. Click on the link below.
almost 4 years ago, Mary Gardner
Remember to certify your child for school today.
almost 4 years ago, Mary Gardner
Zahnow Families, Thursday, March 4 is "Fox in Socks"- Wear Crazy Socks to school!
almost 4 years ago, Mary Gardner
Zahnow Families, Oops. That was the pledge. Try this one for the Bedtime Story.
almost 4 years ago, Mary Gardner
Zahnow Families, Here is the Bedtime Story with Mrs. Gardner for Wednesday night, "How Rocket Learned to Read".
almost 4 years ago, Mary Gardner
Reminder to certify your child for school today. Thank you.
almost 4 years ago, Mary Gardner
Zahnow Families, Wednesday, March 3, "I'm Not Going to Get Up Today"-Wear pajamas to school.
almost 4 years ago, Mary Gardner
Zahnow Families. Below is the link to the Tuesday Bedtime Story with Mrs. Gardner. "The Magic Baseball Cap."
almost 4 years ago, Mary Gardner
Reminder to certify your child for school today. Thank you!
almost 4 years ago, Mary Gardner
Zahnow Families, Tuesday, March 2nd, "Oh the Places You'll Go" - Dress like you are on vacation or wear a t-shirt from a place you have been.
almost 4 years ago, Mary Gardner