Board of Education President | Lori Dillenberger | Township: 2 South, Range: 10 West |
Board of Education Vice-President | Neil Giffhorn | Township: 3 South, Range: 9 West |
Board of Education Secretary | Amanda Propst | Township: 3 South, Range: 10 West |
Board Member | Jo Ellen (Jodi) Burton | Township: 2 South, Range: 9 West |
Board Member | John Caupert | Township: 2 South, Range: 10 West |
Board Member | Nathan Mifflin* | Township: 2 South, Range: 9 West |
Board Member | James Yaekel Jr. | Township: 2 South, Range: 10 West |
*All newly-elected board members listed above are in compliance with the Open Meetings Act Training and the Professional Development Leadership Training required.
According to Board Policy 2:150, the standing board committee members are as follows:
Board Policy Committee | John Caupert, Neil Giffhorn |
Parent-Teacher Advisory Committee | John Caupert, Amanda Propst |
Behavioral Interventions Committee (Perandoe) | James Yaekel Jr., Amanda Propst |
Finance Committee | Jodi Burton, John Caupert |
Building/Grounds Committee | Neil Giffhorn, James Yaekel Jr. |
Technology Committee | |
Transportation Committee | John Caupert |
Strategic Planning | Neil Giffhorn |
Waterloo Foundation for Excellence in Education | Jo Ellen (Jodi) Burton |
*Board President serves on all the committees listed above as per Board Policy 2:150 - Committees.
The Waterloo Community Unit School District No. 5 Board of Education meets the third Monday of each month at 6:00 P.M. (if executive session meeting is needed) in the Waterloo High School Library, 505 E. Bulldog Blvd., Waterloo, Illinois 62298. *If a school holiday occurs on the third Monday, the regular board meeting will be held on the 4th Monday of that month.
PUBLIC NOTICE: The Board of Education intends to hold an Executive (Closed) Session Meeting (if needed) from 6:00 P.M. to 7:00 P.M. in the Board Room. Open session of the regular Board meeting is scheduled to begin at 7:00 P.M. All times are approximate. All regular, adjourned/reconvened, and special meetings are open to the public. The regular board meeting schedule has been approved by the Board of Education for the fiscal year 2023/2024 and is posted here.
2:230 Board of Education Public Participation at Board of Education Meetings and Petitions to the Board
For an overall minimum of 30 minutes during each regular and special open meeting, any person may comment to or ask questions of the Board (public participation), subject to the reasonable constraints established and recorded in this policy’s guidelines below. During public participation, there will be a 20- minute minimum total length of time for any one subject. When public participation takes less time than these minimums, it shall end.
To preserve sufficient time for the Board to conduct its business, any person appearing before the Board is expected to follow these guidelines:
1. Notify the Superintendent by the Wednesday before the board meeting to be placed on the agenda.
2. Sign in on the public participation sign in sheet at the meeting.
3. Address the Board only at the appropriate time as indicated on the agenda and when recognized by the Board President.
4. Identify oneself and be brief. Ordinarily, the time for any one person to address the Board during public participation shall be limited to five minutes. In unusual circumstances, and when an individual has made a request to speak for a longer period of time, the individual may be allowed to speak for more than five minutes.
5. Observe, when necessary and appropriate, the:
a. Shortening of the time for each person to address the Board during public participation to conserve time and give the maximum number of people an opportunity to speak;
b. Expansion of the overall minimum of 30 minutes for public participation and/or the 20-minute minimum total length of time for any one subject; and/or
c. Determination of procedural matters regarding public participation not covered in Board policy.
6. Large groups wishing to comment on the same viewpoint are encouraged to appoint a spokesperson to speak for the group.
7. Conduct oneself with respect and civility toward others and otherwise abide by Board policy, 8:30, Visitors to and Conduct on School Property.
Petitions or written correspondence to the Board shall be presented to the Board at the next regularly scheduled Board meeting.
LEGAL REF.: 5 ILCS 120/2.06. 105 ILCS 5/10-6 and 5/10-16. CROSS REF.: 2:220 (Board of Education Meeting Procedure), 8:10 (Connection with the Community), 8:30 (Visitors to and Conduct on School Property)
Adopted: July 18, 2022 Waterloo Community Unit School District No. 5
Anyone interested in reviewing records/documents may submit a FOIA request, in writing, to the Compliance Officer. You may submit the request, writing by mail or via email:
Devin Curtis
Waterloo Community Unit School District #5
FOIA Compliance Officer
302 Bellefontaine Dr.
Waterloo, IL 62298