W.J. Zahnow 5 Days of Christmas Dress Up Days
Join us and dress up for school each day to celebrate the Christmas Season!
Monday - Holiday Headgear: Wear your favorite holiday hat, headband, elf ears, etc.
Tuesday- Reindeer Day: Wear brown like a reindeer.
Wednesday- Crazy Christmas: Wear your favorite clothes from head to toe.
Thursday- Elf Day: Dress up like an elf or wear red and green.
Friday- Polar Express Day: Wear your Pajamas to school.
Zahnow families: Reminder to certify your child for school today.
Zahnow families: Remember to certify your child today on the Miine Health app for school. Thank you
Zahnow families: Remember to certify your child for school today on the Miine Health app. Thank you.
Zahnow Families: Reminder to certify your child for school today using the Miine Health App. Thank you
Zahnow. I continue to mis key the time. I am so sorry. Drop off is 7:45am. As you can all see, I, like most, welcome the routine of our return.
Mary Gardner.
Zahnow Families: A correction to the last message. Drop off begins at 7:35am. Thank you.
Zahnow Families, Students return to in-person learning tomorrow from 8am-12pm. Doors open at 7:40am for drop off. For those using the front drive (first grade & others), a new sign has been posted at the exit. During drop off & pick up, there will be no left turn onto Hamacher St. This will help with smooth & safer traffic flow. For those going to Rogers or Gardner Elementary Schools after Zahnow, it’s recommended to use Bellfontaine St, to E. 1st Street and then to Rogers St.
We look forward to having many students back & remind parents of students staying remote to reach out if you have questions. We are here to help.
Mary Gardner, Principal
Dear Zahnow Families:
Students will be in person again beginning Monday, Dec. 7, from 8am to 12:00pm.
*All students should return with their folders & packets.
*PreK & First Graders should also bring their Chromebooks back to school on Monday. These will be used at school.
*Kindergarten should keep Chromebooks at home for at home use. Your teachers will reach out and let you know how to support skill practice at home.
*If your child is an in-person learner, but your plan is to keep him/her remote during our returning two weeks from Dec. 7-18, please email and/or contact your child’s teacher so she/he can gather materials for remote learning.
As a reminder, during our return please be sure to Health Certify your child each morning for class before 7:40am. If your child is quarantined or has COVID symptoms please keep him/her home and call the school nurse to discuss protocols for your child's return to school.
If you have any questions about our return to in-person, please email me, mgardner@wcusd5.net, or your child's classroom teacher.
Thank you and be safe.
Mary Gardner, Princpal
Reminder: Students will be remote learning tomorrow through Friday, Dec. 4th. Please reach out to your teacher(s) by email if you have any questions.
Reminder: Today is a Remote Learning Day. There is no in-person learning. Tomorrow, Wednesday, Thanksgiving Break begins. Enjoy this time with your family. Happy Thanksgiving from all of us at WJ Zahnow!
Good morning Zahnow families.
Reminder that students will not be having in-person learning today or tomorrow. Packets will be available for pick up today in deck boxes. Those that replied to their teachers for a device, these will also be available for pick up from 8-4 today and Tuesday. Thank you & have a great day.
Good afternoon Zahnow Families. Yesterday a message was sent District wide by Superintendent, Mr. Brian Charron explaining that beginning, tomorrow, Monday, Nov. 23, all PreK-5th grade students will join our Jr. High and High School students and be going remote. Student folders/packets will be ready and available in your class deck box tomorrow morning. These deck boxes are outside the building and available at all times for you to access. For those families that requested a device with their classroom teacher, the device may be picked up at the following locations at Zahnow on Monday and Tuesday from 8am to 4pm. PreK & First Grade in the front hallway, outside the office. Kindergarten in the hallway where you drop off and pick up your child. For those of you that have bus students, this is the bus lane on the east side of the building. Staff members will be there to help you. If you are unable to come by the school, please reach out to your teacher, or me, and a delivery will be set up. Thank you for your understanding during this time and please reach out if you have any questions. We are here to help. The remote learning time, as of now, is Monday, Nov. 23 through Friday, Dec. 4. Thanks again. Take care and Happy Thanksgiving. Mary Gardner, Principal
Please certify your child for school today. Thank you
Please certify your child today for school. Thank you
Reminder to certify your child for school today. Thank you
Please click a link below for a message about Remote Learning.
Below is a message about our week of Remote Learning
Reminder to certify your child for school today. Thank you.
Please certify your child for school today. Thank you!