January 20, 2021
WJHS Picture Day February 2nd & 3rd In-Person Learners Pictures will be taken during PE hours. "B" day students will have their picture taken on Tuesday, February 2nd. "A" day...

December 3, 2020
The Junior High Volleyball season is scheduled to begin when we return from Christmas break in January. As of now, our season is still on. If you would like to sign up to try out,...

November 18, 2020
Good Morning Parents: As you know, we will be transitioning back to fully remote learning on Monday, November 23. The earliest possible return to in-person learning will be Mo...

October 28, 2020
The zoom links for Parent-Teacher Conferences are listed in the document below. Please make sure your name is shown correctly, so the teacher can let you in at your scheduled tim...

October 20, 2020
Virtual parent teacher conferences will be held on October 29 and 30. If your child is doing well, please don’t feel that you are obligated to sign-up for a conference. Zoom l...

October 5, 2020
Are you using the new Box Tops app to digitally turn in Box Tops? It is a quick and easy way to raise money for WJHS. Simply download the app and scan your receipts after each p...

October 2, 2020
Students, Want to earn a $5 Yo-Toppings gift card!? Have no missing assignments between October 13 th and November 13 th and your name will be entered in a drawing for just ...

September 23, 2020
Parents/Guardians: As we approach our return to in-person learning on Wednesday, September 30th, we just wanted to share some important information: 1. Drop-Offs/Pick-Ups -...

September 16, 2020
Parents: We are looking forward to welcoming students back to school on September 30! There are four very important links included in this email. The first one is our phase 2 ...

August 4, 2020
Waterloo Junior High School Parents & Students -
We have developed this handbook to help our WJHS students begin the school year with remote learning. Included is informati...

July 29, 2020
Please see the link below for frequently asked questions and answers about the blended remote learning plan.
Blended Remote Learning Plan FAQs
Thank you,

July 28, 2020
WJHS Families,
Below is a link to the Phase 1 Blended Remote Learning Plan for Waterloo Junior High School.
A Frequently Asked Questions document will be shared on July 29...

June 23, 2020
School Supplies - School Toolbox Want a quick and easy way to do back to school shopping? School Toolbox gives you everything you need in one simple stop! Visit the link belo...

May 22, 2020
WJHS Distinguished Chorus Members The following WJHS Chorus members have been honored for their contributions to our ensembles during the 2019-2020 school year. Through their per...

May 15, 2020
Congratulations to the following students on being recognized as Students of Character for 4th quarter. Even though we couldn't have a school-wide assembly to recognize ...

April 22, 2020
Arbor Day Shirts
Before we left to begin remote learning, the 8th grade students had been working on a project for Arbor Day in collaboration with the City of Waterloo and SPP...

March 10, 2020
Menu: Chix Fajita or Hot Ham & Cheese on Pretzel Bun Broccoli and Apple

February 27, 2020
Read Across America Spirit Week March 2nd - March 6th Monday, March 2: Reading gets you a”head” - Wear your favorite hat.
Tuesday, March 3: Books can take you anywhere!- Wear...

February 25, 2020
Menu: Toasted Ravioli or Turkey Deli on Flatbread Cooked Carrots
& Orange Slices