Today, Feb. 1, is the beginning of a new behavior incentive. This incentive will run through the end of the 3rd quarter, which is March 3rd. All students who have zero behavior referrals between now and then will earn the opportunity to participate in a BINGO BLITZ and win treats!
February's Bulldog Character Trait is RESPONSIBILITY! This is an important attribute for determining your success in school and in life. It involves planning ahead, thinking things through, and owning your mistakes so you can correct them.
Colored Valentine's cards for senior citizens must be turned in to your study hall teacher by the end of the day TODAY! Thank you to all who are participating in this act of service to others in our community!
Our next meeting and zoom call will be the author of Katie the Catsitter on Thursday, February 16 during study hall.
There will be a gaming club this Thursday after school until 3:45 in the library. Please see Mr. Mayer if you have questions.
Reminder - If it is cold, 6th graders should get dropped off at the main entrance to get into the building before 7:35.
FCA will be meeting on Friday (6 - 7:30pm) in the Cafeteria
All students should bring coats with them to lunch throughout the winter. If it isn't raining or snowing at lunch time, we will most likely go outside, so come prepared!