Any 6th 7th, or 8th grade girls interested in trying out for volleyball who did NOT sign up during PE can still sign up! Stop by Coach Garrett's room (room 118) to add your name to the list!
Anyone interested in Chess Club or Gaming should meet tomorrow after school in the Cafeteria.
Attention 8th grade students, don't forget to dress up tomorrow Dec 1st for Greaser Dress Up Day!!
Problem-solving quote of the week: "Problems are nothing but wake-up calls for creativity".
Cookie sales will be this week during lunch. - 6th Grade (Today), 7th Grade (Wednesday) and 8th Grade (Thursday).
The Book Fair will begin on Friday and run through next Friday. Reading classes will be visiting the fair during their class hours. The book fair will be open during study hall for students to shop. Additionally, the book fair will be open to parents and students Thursday night before and after the band/chorus concerts from 6:00-8:15.
The second quarter behavior incentive runs between November 14th and December 21st. Students who have NO office referrals will earn the privilege to participate in our Christmas classroom trivia contest! More details will follow...