Daily Announcements

The bus will leave at 8:50 for the 6th Grade Girls Basketball game tomorrow. 

Fellowship of Christian Athletes will be meeting Tuesday, Nov 22 from 6:00 to 7:30 in the cafeteria. Anyone can participate. Come give it a try!

Please check your email. Mr. Mayer sent you an email earlier this week that has a Google Form regarding the yearbook. If you would like to vote for the yearbook cover, please complete the form by the end of the day Tuesday, Nov 22nd.

The second quarter behavior incentive begins today! Between November 14th and December 21st, students who have NO office referrals will earn the privilege to participate in our Christmas classroom trivia contest! More details will follow...

 Don't forget to look for your missing items in the lost and found in the cafeteria. All items will be donated at the end of this week!!!! Check today!