Daily Announcements

Gaming Club will meet after school tomorrow in the library.

 8th grade student council members need to come to the library today during study hall.

 7th grade basketball games for next Wednesday will be rescheduled.

Come dressed in pink to the girls basketball game tomorrow night to support Breast Cancer.  Student admission will be $1.

Do you like trivia? Scholar Bowl might be for you. Tryouts are Tuesday the 25th after school from  3-4 for 7th and 8th graders. If you have questions please ask Mr. Toennies or Mrs. Rau for more information.

 Yearbook Staff will meet this Thursday, October 20th from 3:10-4:00.  Please check google classroom for more details about meetings.

This month, the Bulldog trait we are focusing on is RESPECTFULNESS. The character quote for the week: "How people treat other people is a direct reflection of how they feel about themselves. Respecting others starts with respecting yourself."

PBIS is excited to announce a POSTERS and POPCORN challenge for this week! This month's Bulldog trait is RESPECT. To participate in the poster contest, get a piece of poster board from your study hall teacher and design a poster that promotes this month's trait. Turn your poster in to the office by Friday. Winning posters will be chosen and the designers will get a popcorn treat! Posters will be on display around the school, too.

 Picture Retake Day is Wednesday, November 2.