No Band Lessons Today - Band will be a Study Hall, students should bring something to work on.
This month, the Bulldog trait we are focusing on is RESPECTFULNESS. The character quote for today is: "One of the most sincere forms of respect is actually listening to what another has to say",
During the 2nd quarter, the PBIS team wants to encourage you to be in class and on time each morning. Your 1st hour class might win the "DO-NUT miss out" challenge if Dr. Schwartz or Mrs. Brown walk in with donuts and every student is present and was on time that day! They will keep moving from class to class until they find 2 classrooms who earn the donuts! Any absences or tardies will disqualify your class that hour.
Picture Retake Day is Wednesday, November 2.
There will be an ice cream social Monday, October 17 from 3:00 to 3:45.