Daily Announcements

The Original Gamers Gaming Club will meet in the library after school on Thursday until 3:45.

 Students selected to the Library Council need to meet in the library during study hall today.

 There will be an ice cream social Monday, October 17 from 3:00 to 3:45.  

Enter the K-12 Science Fair Competition! You will have the opportunity to learn about a science topic of your choice through research, experimentation and use of the scientific method. Interested? Attend the informational meeting on Thursday, October 13th at 7pm in the Gardner Elementary School Library. If you are interested but can’t attend the meeting, send an email to Julie at sciencefair@wcusd5.net for more information.  

6th Grade Boys Basketball Tryouts will be held October 12-14 from 3:30-5:00.

7th & 8th Grade Boys Basketball Tryouts will be held Tuesday, October 11 (5-7) and Wednesday, October 12 (4:30-6:00).  Anyone interested in trying out for basketball should have an updated physical on file.

There will be a Color Run/Walk on October 15, 2022 at Gardner. Forms are available in the office.