Daily Announcements

There will be a volleyball try out informational meeting tomorrow at 2:30 in the north gym with Coach Esker. This is for all 6th grade girls and any new students who plan to try out for the upcoming volleyball season. Please see Ms. Garrett for questions.


Students should be bringing clear (non breakable) water bottles to school.


If you are interested in trying out to become a member of the Chess Team, please sign up on the sign-up sheet on the trophy case. Tryouts will take place during the Original Gamers meeting on December 9th after school. If you have any questions, please see Mr. Mayer.


Students should go directly to their lockers, then 1st hour when they arrive in the morning unless they are eating breakfast.  Students should not roam the hallways.


Students are expected to go outside during recess.  If you are caught hiding in the restroom or a classroom, a referral will be written.