Tonight is 8th grade night at the volleyball game! The theme is purple and/or orange, in support of Elsie and the Wiemerslage family. Join us for the games, starting with 6th grade at 4:15.
Boys and Girls Track Tryouts will begin on Monday, March 3rd. Please signup during PE class and have a current physical on file. See Coach West for questions.
Our school district is having a hat day in honor of Elsie Wiemerslage on Thursday, Feb 27th. Donations of a dollar or more will be collected and shared with Elsie's family to support her bucket list items. On that day, also plan to wear purple, which is Elsie's favorite color, or orange, which is the color for leukemia awareness.
Cheerleading Tryouts meeting for parents and athletes will be held Tuesday, February 25th at 5PM in the WJHS cafeteria
Trivia sign up sheets will be available starting today. Get your teams together for this epic night of fun. Sign up sheets will be available in your study hall as as well as in the office. Registration for your teams will start on Tuesday March 4th and will end Thursday March 6th. This years theme is Music. Dress up and decorate your tables like your favorite song, artist, musicals, etc. Prizes will be given for best dressed and best decorated tables This is a behavior incentive and any student that has earned three strikes during 3rd quarter will not be able to attend.
This Wednesday, Feb. 26 is National Pink Shirt Day, which is a national movement to stand against bullying. This event began in 2007, inspired by an act of kindness from two high school students who noticed a new student being bullied for wearing a pink shirt. They decided to take action. They bought 50 pink shirts and encouraged their peers to wear them in solidarity. The next day, many students showed up in pink, creating a powerful statement against bullying.
On Wednesday, we encourage everyone to wear pink and find ways to do random acts of kindness. Let's take a stand against bullying and promote kindness and inclusivity.
Yearbook will meet on Thursday 2/27.
The last day to order a yearbook is Friday, February 28th. Students should have received reminders last week. Please contact Mrs. Walthes if you need more information.