
Cookie sales at lunch this week! Tuesday for 6th graders, Wednesday for 7th graders, and Thursday for 8th graders. Don't forget your money and thanks for your support.

Signups for 7th and 8th grade girls volleyball tryouts will start today and go through till Friday, December 6th. Please sign up during your PE classes.

Just a reminder to bring in money to support local families in need! Student council will be collecting in the mornings from Dec. 3-13.

Our next Stories and Slices will be on Tuesday, December 10 during study hall. If you would like to read and attend, you will need to have read the book Falling Short by Ernesto Cisneros. Please fill out the google form in the library google classroom!

Do you enjoy playing chess? Would you like a chance to test your skills against your classmates and other schools? Chess team tryouts will be held after school until 3:45 on Monday December 9 and Monday December 16. Please see Mr. Mayer if you have questions.

The Bulldog Trait for December is SELF-CONTROLLED. An important part of being able to bounce back in challenging situations is the ability to control your physical and emotional reactions and responses. As we head toward Christmas break, let's see who can display this trait!