
The Bulldog Trait of the Month is Empathy, which involves recognizing others' emotional states and perspectives and responding with appropriate emotion or action. This helps strengthen interpersonal relationships and facilitate helpful communication.

Dance tickets will be sold before school today through Friday at both entrances. Tickets are $5. Please hold on to your ticket so you can get in quickly when you arrive on Friday. If you would like to be in the costume contest, please sign up when you buy your ticket.

The theme for tonight's fan section at the basketball game is: HAWAIIAN

Picture Retake Day is Wednesday, October 30.  Any student that did not get their picture taken in August, should get them taken at this time.  We have picture packets in the office.

The Fall Book Fair begins on Thursday! It will be open during the day Thursday and Friday, as well as all of next week.

Friendly reminder that the Dance behavior incentive runs through Friday, Oct. 25th. 3 strikes by that date will make you ineligible for the Halloween Dance. Make good choices in your behavior, work completion, and timely arrival to school and classes! All of those things factor into the strike system we have in place.