Poster Contest for the Lions Club- Peace Without Limits, If you would like more information or an entry form please see Mrs. Rau.
If you're interested in being part of the WJHS yearbook staff, please see your literature teacher or Mrs. Walthes in room 115 for an application. Applications are due by today.
7th & 8th Grade Boys basketball tryouts will begin on Tuesday, October 15 (5pm - 7pm) and Wednesday (4:30pm - 6:00pm). Everyone will need a current physical on file. 6th grade boys interested in trying out, please get an information sheet during PE class this week
The Bulldog Trait for October is EMPATHY. Empathy is the ability to emotionally understand what other people feel, see things from their point of view, and imagine yourself in their place. Essentially, it is putting yourself in someone else's position and recognizing what they are feeling.