11-7-2019 Announcements

Menu:   Pizza Hut Pizza or Soft Tacos Pears & Carrots with Ranch


7th and 8th Grade students - There will be Scholar Bowl Tryouts after school today in the Art Room.  See Mrs. Rau or Mr. Toennies for more information.


Attention all readers, have we got an opportunity for you! If you have read the book, The Night Diary, you are invited to the first meeting of "Stories and Slices." We will be meeting during study hall next Tuesday, November 12 and we will be skyping with author Veera Hiranandani and enjoying some pizza. Be prepared with a question that you would like to ask the author! Please sign up in the library and if you have any questions, see Mr. Mayer.


Student Council would like to remind you all and thank you in advance for participating in the Thanksgiving Baskets. All donations are due in your study hall by November 15.