
Are you interested in being in this year’s talent show on the last day of school? This year’s auditions will be May 1st and 2nd from 3-4:00. Sign up for an audition time in the lobby outside the office! There may be a wait list, so sign up early to secure an audition spot!

Break out your bright colors and neon for the Spring Dance on Friday, May 3. We will be dancing under the black lights from 6:00-8:00. 8th graders can stay an extra half hour until 8:30. If dancing isn't your thing, you can also come hang out in the cafeteria with friends and play board games. Tickets are $5 and will be sold during the week before.

Are you looking for something fun to do this summer? Would you like to become a better athlete? Consider joining the Bulldog Running Camp June 3rd through June 7th! This is an opportunity to learn important running mechanics, play games, race, and spend time with friends and other athletes. The camp is open to ALL junior high students. Participating in this camp gets you a t-shirt, daily snacks, and a chance to work with elite high school runners. If you have any questions, please email Coach Rathgeb ( or talk to Mr. Flick before or after PE class. Sign up sheets can be picked up in the gym or in the main office.