Reminder to turn in dental safari forms before April 17th!
Students are reminded that you must ride a transfer bus from WJHS to get on your homebound bus at Rogers. You are not allowed to walk over to catch your bus.
Tonight the WJHS drama club is presenting the mystery Murder on the 518. The performance is at the WHS auditorium and begins at 6:30. Please come out and watch your friends take the stage!!!
Join our fundraiser for the American Heart Challenge. You can scan the QR code on the posters in the halls or on the handouts. You can also do the physical form if you prefer. Our goal is 10,000 dollars. If every student raises 20 dollars we will meet our goal and you will receive 2 tickets to the gateway grizzly game. See Mrs. Schaefer if you have any questions. I will be giving out bracelets and prizes this week you get a heart bracelet just for signing up.!!!!!!
This Wednesday is the final day to turn in recyclables for our spring service project. Final weigh-ins will be on Wednesday during SH. The grade level SH that brought in the most weight per person will be rewarded when we return from Easter break.
The 4th qtr behavior incentive started Monday, March 11th. The event for this qtr will be an End-of-the-Year Dance! In order to be eligible to attend, you cannot have 3 strikes during this time. You earn 1 strike for every detention, 2 strikes for In-School Suspension, and 3 strikes for Out-of-School Suspension. Keep in mind that things like tardies and working lunches are included in the strike system.