Daily Announcements

Any 8th grade student interested in Color guard should attend the clinic on Tuesday, April 24 and Thursday, April 27 from 6pm to 9pm.  Auditions will be held Tuesday, May 2.  If you have any questions, contact Mr. Smith at the high school.  (8th grade students who have a band concert May 2nd that plan on auditioning for color guard should attend the clinic on Thursday, April 27 and you will be guided through your audition then.) 

Anyone that raised $50 or more for the American Heart Association will be invited to attend an ice cream party on Friday during Study Hall.

The theme of the Spring Dance on May 12 will be a Hawaiian Luau! Break out those grass skirts and leis as we celebrate the end of the school year.

Please have all Rebecca Caudill books read and submitted by Friday, April 28. Mr. Mayer will be sending an email to all students who are eligible for the Donut Party and Caudill Reader t-shirt early next week. If you have any questions, please email him.

Anyone interested in participating in this year's variety show should fill out the google form shared with you in your literature class.  You may fill out the form if you are interested in trying out for a performance OR if you want to help plan the show and be a part of a committee!  Tryouts will be May 8th and 9th from 3:00-4:00, and planning dates for the variety show committee will be Thursday, May 11th and Monday, May 15th from 3:00-4:00. See Ms. Briesacher in room 216 with any questions you may have! 

The track team is hosting an "Elsa Night" at the track meet on Tuesday. Wear lavender to school in Elsa's honor. A collection will be taken at the concession stand at the track meet and given to Elsa's family. Everyone is invited to participate in this event.

Gamers Club will meet tomorrow, 4/26, after school until 3:45.

Trivia forms can be turned in to Mrs. Hitpas before school at the main entrance Tuesday and Wednesday.  Trivia is Friday at 6:30.  Doors open at 6:00.

Also, now is a great time to start checking the lost and found for misplaced hoodies, coats, and more. Whatever is not claimed by May 18th will be donated to charity.

Reminder that the behavior incentive for the 4th quarter is the end-of-the-year dance on Friday, May 12th. The privilege to attend the dance will be earned by students who do not have 3 strikes between March 6 and May 12. A behavior referral that results in lunch or after school detention is one strike. Behaviors that earn in-school suspension are 2 strikes. Behaviors that earn out-of-school suspension are 3 strikes. Make good choices each day and keep this incentive in mind! More dance details will be shared soon!