Daily Announcements

There will be no Gamers Club today after school.

FCA will meet Monday from 6 to 7:30. Meet in the cafeteria.

If you like a mystery, want to see your WJHS friends on the stage, or need to escape technology for an hour and a half or so, come to see the junior high play Writing a Will Can Be Murder this Thursday and Friday at 6:30 at the Waterloo High School Auditorium!

American Heart Challenge will be collecting donations through April 12th.  Forms will be collected in the office.

The Book Fair will be held this week in the Library.

Reminder that the behavior incentive for the 4th quarter is the end-of-the-year dance on Friday, May 12th. The privilege to attend the dance will be earned by students who do not have 3 strikes between March 6 and May 12. A behavior referral that results in lunch or after school detention is one strike. Behaviors that earn in-school suspension are 2 strikes. Behaviors that earn out-of-school suspension are 3 strikes. Make good choices each day and keep this incentive in mind! More dance details will be shared soon!