Daily Announcements

The set design crew will not meet after school tonight. Please listen to tomorrow’s announcement for next work time.

Cast for the play - Please meet after school at the main entrance. Make sure you have everything you need. Remind parents that you need to be picked up from the high school - auditorium entrance.

The Spring Book Fair will take place next all next week! Now is a great time to stock up on books for summer break! Our goal is to surpass our sales of the Fall Book Fair and be able to purchase even more books for our classroom libraries.

There will is no student council meeting this afternoon. All student council members should look in the student council google classroom for more information.

Trivia Night is going to be rescheduled.  We are hoping to have it after the IAR testing.

The Bulldog Character Trait of the Month for March is: SELF-CONTROL! By definition, self-control means "the ability to control one's emotions and desires or the expression of them in one's behavior, especially in difficult situations". Staff members will be looking for students who show this attribute in the way they handle themselves and how they interact with others in class, in the hallways, at recess, at school events, and beyond.