Daily Bulletin
February 2, 2021
General Announcements
Reminder to ALL STUDENTS - Hats/Hoods are NOT allowed to be worn in the school building.
Student Council has a Zoom all council meeting today at 3:00 p.m. The link is provided below: Join Zoom Meeting https://zoom.us/j/95105470213?pwd=UjQyTDM4RnlJUHVvL1RqRXRteXoyQT09 Meeting ID: 951 0547 0213 Passcode: sWpv3z
University of Health and Science (St. Louis).
Virtual visit on February 10th @ 2pm
Go to the guidance website under college visits for more information
Red Bud Industries is looking for after school and summer help, for more info or to apply please call Taylor at 618-282-3801 ext. 144