Don't feel like cooking tonight? Go to Papa John's and help our school! A portion of the proceeds this evening, April 12th, will benefit Rogers Elementary. Be sure to mention our school code so that we get credit. Our school code is SSR008.

Looking for an easy dinner? Wednesday, April 12th, is Roger's Elementary Papa John's Night! A portion of the proceeds will benefit our school. Don't forget to use our school's code so that we get credit! Our code is SSR008.

Tonight is Papa Johns Night! If you don't have dinner plans, please consider ordering from Papa Johns to help support our school. Rogers Elementary will receive 25% of the profits. See the flier for more information. Thanks for your support!

We are getting excited about Christmas! Help us celebrate by dressing up on our special theme days. See the attached flyer for more specific information.
Thursday, Dec. 15 - GRINCH Day
Friday, Dec. 16 - REINDEER Day
Monday, Dec. 19 - ELF Day
Tuesday, Dec. 20 - CRAZY for CHRISTMAS Day
Wednesday, Dec. 21 - POLAR EXPRESS Day

Cookie Dough pick up is today from 3:00 PM to 6:00 PM. Pick up will be in the cafeteria. Please park in the back and use Door #8 to enter the building. If you have any questions, please call the office at 618-939-3454.

Next week is Homecoming Week! We will be joining in the fun by having the following dress-up themes each day:
Monday (Sept. 26) - Dress Like a Teammate
Tuesday (Sept. 27)- Favorite Shirt Day
Wednesday (Sept. 28)- Favorite Color Day
Thursday (Sept. 29) - Hat Day
Friday (Sept. 30) - Orange & Black Attack
Also next week is the Homecoming Parade (Wednesday, Sept. 28 @ 6:00) and the WHS Football Game (Friday, Sept. 30 @ 7:00). Hope to see you there!

Our Cookie Dough fundraiser is going on now through Friday, September 9. Be sure to bring your order forms to your teacher by this Friday! If you need additional order forms, please contact the office. The proceeds from this fundraiser directly benefit our students by offsetting the costs of reward days, field trips and other incentives throughout the year. Thanks for your support of our school!

Help support Rogers Elementary by ordering from Papa Johns on Wednesday, April 13! Don't forget to use our PROMO CODE - SSR008.
Thanks for your support!

Help us celebrate the Cardinals Home Opener on Thursday, April 7 by wearing your Cardinal RED! Be sure to wear your favorite Cardinal shirt or hat!

Don't forget to order your Rogers Elementary yearbooks. Go to ybpay.com and use code 1427922.

Mickey Mouse turns 93 on Thursday November 18th. Join us that day in celebrating by wearing your Mickey clothes and ears!

In honor of our veterans, please wear red, white and blue on Wednesday, November 10th.

Rogers Families,
Monday, November 8th, is Picture Retake Day.

Rogers Families,
Monday, September 27th, is Picture Day at Rogers Elementary.

Hello 2nd Grade Families!
We are excited to welcome everyone back in person tomorrow! A few quick reminders in order to be ready to go. Please remember to do the following:
~ charge your chromebook tonight
~ bring your chromebook to school
~ bring your remote folder (with everything in it) to school
Also please note, we will be moving the recording of President Speeches to Friday.
See you in the morning!
~ The 2nd Grade Team

Hello 3rd Grade Families!
We are excited to welcome everyone back in person tomorrow! A few quick reminders in order to be ready to go. Please remember to do the following:
~ charge your chromebook tonight
~ bring your chromebook AND charger to school
~ bring your learning packets to school
See you in the morning!
~ The 3rd Grade Team

WCUSD5 is closed again today, 2-10-21. Snow overnight has covered all roads and made travel conditions dangerous in many areas of our district.

Waterloo CUSD #5 will be closed tomorrow (2-9-21) due to weather and travel conditions.
Brian Charron, Supt.

Hello, Rogers' Families,
We are excited to welcome everyone back in person on Monday, December 7th. As we prepare to return to in-person learning, we are again in need of your help to ensure a smooth transition.
For all students returning to in-person learning, please bring all materials back, such as Chromebooks, chargers, folders, math journals, etc.
Please remember to self-certify before 7:40 each morning.
As a reminder:
Our school day will remain the same as before:
Arrival 7:40-8:00
Town Dismissal 11:45
Bus Dismissal 12:15
Finally, in order for us to prepare and plan for the next two weeks, please notify your child’s teacher as soon as possible if you are wanting your child to remain a remote learner through the holidays.
As always thank you for all your help and support to make this year amazing for our students. If you have any questions, please contact the Rogers' Office.
Stay safe & be well.

Rogers Families:
Due to being remote this week, our picture retake day on Friday, December 4th has been tentatively rescheduled for Friday, January 22nd. Be on the lookout for more information about retake day after the new year.