Good afternoon parents & students!
The WJHS staff is very excited to get the 2019-20 school year underway! I just wanted to share some information about the beginning of school and some changes that we have made this year.
1. Supply Drop- Just a reminder that supply drop will be Tuesday, August 13 from 6:00-7:30. Students and parents will have opportunities to drop off supplies in lockers, walk schedules, and meet some of the teachers. If necessary, your child may take one of his/her locks home to practice. Just be sure to bring it back on Thursday! The time is flexible. Come any time between 6:00-7:30 and stay as long as needed.
2. First Day- Our first day with students will be Thursday, August 15. It will be a full day. Our theme for this year is “Don’t Quit, Find Your Grit!” The main message of our theme is that people that are ultimately the most successful are those that keep showing up, keep learning, and are not afraid to make mistakes. We are using the Blues as an example as they went from last in the league to Stanley Cup Champions! I want to encourage all students to wear their Blues apparel on Thursday. If they don’t own any, wear a blue shirt. 6th grade students will report to the North Gym or the cafeteria if they arrive between 7:30-7:47 in the morning. 7th and 8th grade students will report to the South Gym or cafeteria if they arrive during this time. The bell will ring at 7:47 at which time the students may go to their lockers if needed and then report to study hall. At 8:31, students will be reporting to first hour. We will keep this schedule for the first two days of school.
3. Late Start Mondays- Every Monday, class begins at 8:35. Bus schedules will be the same as every other day. Students will sit in the gym or the cafeteria until 8:27. Students that are dropped off may arrive later on Mondays.
4. Drop Off- If you are dropping off students in the morning, please be patient and always think about safety of the students. 6th graders are dropped off at the crosswalk or the parking lot at the North entrance. 7th and 8th graders should be dropped off at the thick white line past the median at the main entrance. Bus students will be dropped off behind the South Gym and should report to their respective gym or cafeteria. Students that report to the gym should remain there until the bell rings. Students that report to the cafeteria for breakfast should remain there until the bell rings.
5. Pick-Up- Students may be picked up in front of the building on Bellefontaine or in the parking lot behind the South Gym.
6. Outside beverages- Students are permitted to bring water to drink throughout the school day as long as it is in a clear container with a spill resistant lid. Students will not be permitted to drink other beverages throughout the school day with the exception of lunch
7. Cell Phones- Students are permitted to check cell phones at their lockers between classes. The purpose of this is to facilitate communication between parents and students. We also allow students to use phones in the morning while in the cafeteria or gym. Other than these instances, phones should be off and in lockers.
We look forward to a great 2019-20 school year!